A Refrigerator Clean Out


I thought it would be fun to post a little of my refrigerator clean out….Sounds like a real blast, frugaldribble🙄🙄! That’s what my husband said when I told him about it.

If you are wondering why I store my daughter’s cough syrup in there, it’s because it doesn’t taste as bad when it’s super cold😉. Since this is such a mundane task, I thought making a post would make it a little more tolerable for me..so yes, this is a selfish post.

This is one of my least favorite tasks but one of the more important things to maintain, when living a frugal life.  If I don’t clean my refrigerator pretty often, things become invisible. Do you ever completely forget about produce because it’s hidden in the drawer? So odd that I don’t see it, even though my drawer is  clear. I know some people have drawers aren’t clear, but mine is, so I don’t know why I still fail at this.


I have to buy eggs since all but one of my chickens were killed by the neighbor’s dog. Our only chicken is named Lucky Lucille. We lovingly named her this since she was the lone survivor, and she still lays pretty well.

If you are curious what I use to clean my fridge. It is nothing more than hot water in a spray bottle with a little white vinegar added to it. The vinegar isn’t necessary. I do think it makes everything smell fresher and helps keep bacteria from growing. It won’t do a darn thing for moldy strawberries, though😀.

Here is a couple of poor strawberries I forgot, yuck. Oh, and in this bag is an onion that is sprouting! I didn’t know what this was🤢. Then I noticed the sprouts. At least I think it’s an onion. I wasn’t brave enough to open the bag😂.  This was hidden way in the bottom at the back….must.do.better.


This is a jar of sauce packets I keep in my refrigerator door. Admittedly, I used to throw all these away. Now, I purposely find ways to include them in my meals to not waste them. If you are interested, see my previous post for a recipe using sauce packets. I plan to do more of those in the near future, so I hope you enjoy it 😉.


This is so random. I found a hair band in my meat and cheese drawer. Do you see it at the bottom left peeking out from behind the snack pack pudding? Why is it in there? 😳Does one of my kids keep it in there for keeping hair out of their face while scarfing down cheese? Did I absent mindedly put it there while doing another task instead of putting it in the bathroom where it belongs? Am I losing my marbles??? One shall never know the answer of the mysterious hair band….but..since it is gross to store hair stuff next to meat and cheese…I put it in the bathroom, where it belongs…at least I think I did😂. IMG_4388

I hope you enjoyed my little fridge post. I did not post a picture before I cleaned out my fridge. I figured the yucky green strawberries, a hair accessory, and a questionable sprouting onion were enough disgust for one post. The lesson for me to learn here is to clean out my fridge a little more often…so I can find all the missing hairbands😂😂😂. Just kidding, I swear this is the first time I have found hair stuff in the fridge. Please come back soon to see how I plan to use up some more of those sauce packets and lingering ingredients🙂. By the way, has anyone else ever found a hair band in the refrigerator?

4 thoughts on “A Refrigerator Clean Out

  1. LOL about the hairband in the fridge! I just cleaned our fridge out over the weekend. Yours is so clean!!! I don’t know if ours has ever looked that good as it houses so much random stuff. ( but no hairbands that I know of) I do try to look around it every few days to catch anything that might need to get eaten asap, but sometimes things escape that and need to get thrown out.
    I remember your comment on another blog about your chickens. Very sad, and I’m sorry all of that happened.
    Anyway, I enjoyed today’s fridge adventure…


  2. Glad you enjoyed it! Mine is not always this clean. I don’t want to give the idea that I keep a Pinterest worthy refrigerator. This was a couple days ago and my fridge is already getting dirty again🙁. We still get upset about our chickens, but it does help to talk about them. If you get a chance to take a peek tomorrow, I am posting about our frugal kitchen redo. I’m so excited to post about it because we worked really hard on it.


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